Looking to Volunteer at the Festival? Check Out the Options!
We have several opportunities to get involved. Get your Business, family, group of friends or organization together and sign up to be a Festival Volunteer!
Below we have a brief description of the Event and Volunteer jobs we are requesting. If the event sounds like something you might be interested in, click the link to find the sign up schedule and more information!

Classic Car & Truck Show
The Car Show is a great way to kick off the festival week downtown! Help us out on Michigan Avenue with setting up tables and booths, registering vehicles as they arrive, and helping out with raffles throughout the day! The Car Show is a early morning, so it's great for those early risers!
Kids Day
Kids Day is an event in the City Park that is completely free for kids to come to! The park is filled with activity booths for the kids to enjoy, we have contests and games throughout the day, and a hot dog lunch is provided for them! We need help with setting up and tearing down the event, people to help kids register as they arrive, as well as floating volunteers to help with activities. It's such a rewarding day when you see those kids' smiles!
Festival Set Up & Tear Down
We need some muscles to help us set up and tear down for a few event areas! This entails setting up a few tents, unloading and setting up tables and chairs, as well as cleaning up and putting these items away after the festivities are done. The more people we have, the quicker this will go!
Chamber Office Help
While Emily and Charity are running around during events, we can't always be at our downtown office to answer questions that come up. We're looking for someone to man our front desk and answer calls and walk in questions that come up. Don't worry - we will give you a binder with all of our event information to help answer detail questions!
HUP Race
The HUP Race is full of fun energy - help us out with check in, timing the racers, keeping score, and have a ton of fun while doing it!
Festival Info Booth
The festival information booth is set up in the pocket park on Michigan Avenue, and this is the place for any questions, to give out festival programs, and also sell tickets for the Duck Derby! It's a great way to volunteer while also getting to enjoy the atmosphere of the festival being right by the Main Stage with live music!
Craft Show
Thanks to our long-time volunteers, we have this craft show down to a science! Volunteering with them entails helping check in vendors as they arrive, showing them their booth spaces, and answering any of their questions as the show goes on!
Duck Derby
The Duck Derby is a great time, and it's a great way to cool off with some of the tasks in the river! This consists of helping organize the duck tickets, organizing the winning ducks per heat on the scoreboard, and collecting the ducks from the river. It's a great time, and you'll have a great spot to watch the parade right after the duck race!
Food Stand with Maze Stephan
Maze Stephan organizes and runs a food stand in the city park pavilion during the craft show, and graciously donates the proceeds of this stand to the Chamber's Fourth of July Fireworks program! She needs helpers to assist with cooking and running the register.
Brew Ave Beer Tent
The beer tent is the place to be! Being right in the same area as the Main Stage, be in the high-energy environment and enjoy some music while volunteering. We need volunteers to serve canned beer, sell drink tickets, and check IDs and administer wristbands.